Conceptual Collage on Urban Agriculture - Shapira Neighborhood - Tel Aviv, Israel.
A timeline of gender mobility expression in architecture in different periods.
Speculative Realism
Series of Scenarious
Poster Design for a Speculative Future: the Feminist Movement.
As passive protest and violent manifestation proved to be ineffective during previous years, women around the globe decided to take action: Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Feminists organized worldwide, and an anti-procreation strike took global reach. Women decided to stop procreating until real progress and change would be made in terms on the installment of gender equality and feminist ideals. Feminist stood behind the idea that biology shouldn't determine the roles attributed to women and men. If sexed bodies were about nature, gender was about culture, about the ways different cultures attributed meaning to those sexed bodies. It became clear: the root cause and major contributing factor to gender inequality and its link to women’s participation in the workforce was reproductive rights, bodily autonomy and reproductive choices.
Women around the world understood that what was coming between them and gender equality was biological differences with men: women can carry babies and give birth. This happens to be the source of the gender pay gap, as woman would always fall behind having to leave their jobs for months while their male counterparts continued to advance and progress.
For about 10 years, until change and gender equality proved itself actually effective, demography took a wild turn and declined rather significantly around the world. A whole generation is now missing.
Economy is on the verge of collapsing. The supply and the demand have declined significantly, as there is not enough producers nor consumers that can neither join the workforce nor consume the products. Average death rates begun to surpass the average “useful working age” balance. We have become completely dependent on immigration to continue to exist. We are starting to see more and more efforts to attract immigrants, actually young immigrants, to bring more people in. Schools are empty, and colleges won't graduate students for several generations now. Most infrastructure is now abandoned, cities are becoming empty, desolated places.On the other hand, women are finally no longer seen as "people who have babies", gender has been delinked from procreation. A lot of pressure was put on science to give a response to our desperate cry for change. And it did. Science finally provided solutions that have cooperated to gender equality, as it managed to develop significant advancement in assisted reproduction. Now, all humans have the ability, if they so choose, to both carry a pregnancy or to reproduce non-sexually, which is taking its effect on eliminating the need for binary genders within society and will discrediting dependence on biological traits and differences. Actually, the public has come to prefer reproducing non-sexually. Advances such as human cloning and artificial wombs have significantly extend the potential for human reproduction, opening up the possibility of creating human life in a lab.
Now, it seems that a massive "baby boom” is on the rise, and even though we have reached gender equality, now we need to figure out how to recover from its consequences.